Community Wildlife Stewardship
Community Wildlife Stewardship - "CWS"
I am involved with a new, and important, project. It's called Community Wildlife Stewardship - "CWS" and will, I believe, garner significant interest in the coming months. 2020&2021 was a preparatory period for this work during which time myself, and the team, reached out to like-minded people for support and advice.
The project is managed by a U.S. based 501 3 c non-profit which is effectively the legal follow-on of Elephant Survival Organization ESO. Community Wildlife Stewardship - CWS. Needless to say, the theme of the project is conservation, though this endeavor is less hands-on, working on specific elements and more helping the wider world understand the developmental importance of community when discussing conservation.
The team has created a website that explains the basics. It is a new approach so the idea laid out in its basic form and will be filled out as more information becomes available.
CWS proposes to conceive, develop and produce a set of documentaries that point out what should be (but is not) obvious that local communities are the crucial link between wildlife and the larger developed world. This project will endeavor to work closely with celebrities as it believes their participation is the best way to gain widespread buy-in of this basic, but not immediately obvious, fact of life.