Journalistic Work
Journalism While in Africa
As I hope this website shows I have significant experience in Tanzania and the Congo to have developed a view or even a valuable opinion. I would like to point out that in addition to going out and doing things – front-line experience; in addition to taking charge and getting things done – for-profit and non-profit entrepreneurship. I have also taken the time and effort to think through the Africa I came to know and love and lay down my views on the particulars.
I did this through journalism. About the time I was becoming involved in Gomba I began to write regularly about Tanzanian and Central African affairs. At first, I published in papers in Dar es Salaam and Arusha but later and more online my work went out through sites in the UK and the States as well.
A New Alliance in whose Interest - African News Truth or Trope 0 -Africa Taking the Lead- African Development Projects Skewed - Australia; Burning out of |Context - Beware Cassandra’s Warning - Big Game Hunting Still in the Headlines - Biodiversity and the New World Order - Botswana Elephant Massacre - Can Iran Bring some Climate Change “Real Politic” - Cash in Cassandra - Changing the Ideology of Biodiversity - China and the West Battle over African Development - Conflict Minerals in Perspective - Corruption, Where do you Draw the Line - Davos Realy is a Good Idea - DLT Lab’s DRC Blockchain Idea - Does Tanzania Land Data tell the Whole Story - The fate of Elephants is in Our Hands - Food Security or just plain old Regular Security - Functionality of International Institutions Leave Africa at Risk - Incorporation of Small Holder Farmers - Isn’t Climate Change Already Scary Enough - Land Grabbing: All in the Eye of the Beholder - Let’s Cut JK some slack - Like the red soil Flowing Patronage or Policy in the Eastern Congo - Selling Elephants - The Big Burn - The Brazilian Forest Fires are Burning our Future - The Ivory Ban: Kenya Lights a Fire - TZ Land Data - Unfomfortable with Change - US Trophy Ban is a Strange Case - Wayne Lotter OpEd - Wealth or Windmills Why African Agriculture is a World Issue - Wildlife Conservation Needs Perspective - World Wildlife Day: Scandal Rather than Commitment
I hope publishing Lomako and developing the CWS documentary concept will have an effect on the Forests and Savannahs of Africa. Consensus on the status and way forward is needed though one sometimes worries the message is lost in the cacophony of voices,
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